Dhananjaya Parkhe


Let your heart be pure. Do not act outwardly what you are not inwardly. Be absolutely honest. God is Infinite Honesty.

Do not pose as being pious, because God is everywhere. God cannot be fooled—so why pose as something you are not?

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[THE EVERYTHING AND THE NOTHING By Meher Baba. Avatar Meher Baba Trust eBook June 2011 Copyright © 1963 Meher House Publications, Beacon Hill, Australia Copyright © 1989 Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahmednagar, India]



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Origin: French, mid-18th century

Relating to or denoting a style of European architecture, music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries that followed mannerism and is characterized by ornate detail.


Highly ornate and extravagant in style.

Examples of Baroque in a sentence

“‘Prose is architecture, not interior decoration, and the Baroque is over.’ — Ernest Hemingway”

“The historical home was maintained in the height of its baroque style. “



比SSR好用的软件 AH-sə-leit
Part of speech: verb
Origin: Latin, early 18th century

Move or swing back and forth at a regular speed.


(Physics) Vary in magnitude or position in a regular manner around a central point.

Examples of Oscillate in a sentence

“‘The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.’ — Carl Gustav Jung”

“The light made the electrons in each atom oscillate back and forth from one side of the atom to the other.”




International Day of Friendship

This day is celebrated to honor those friends in your life that have made all the difference.


  • Listicle idea: X Places to visit with friends once the lockdown is lifted
  • Infographic idea: Foods that are perfect for snacking with your friend
  • Video idea: X Best movies about friendships you should watch
  • Podcast idea: How honest should you be with your friends?


This video from UNICEF shows them partnering with BTS to show the power of kindness and friendship to heal people.

15. World Day against Trafficking in Persons – 30th July

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

This day is celebrated to raise awareness of the situation of victims of human trafficking and for the promotion and protection of their rights.


  • Listicle idea: X Industries where human trafficking is rampant
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  • Video idea: Stories of survivors of sex trafficking you must hear
  • Podcast idea: Why are children particularly vulnerable to human trafficking?


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As the pandemic continues to restrict our plans, global days and celebrations offer positive, near future events to focus on. Below are the key global days this July, accompanied by selected educational resources. Click the title of each day for detailed explanations and further resources.
4th July – International Day of Cooperatives 
This year’s theme is ‘cooperatives for climate action’.

  • Explore climate protection projects run by cooperatives around the world using this ssr软件下载.
  • Read these 12 examples of how cooperatives in different sectors, across the globe, can support SDG12 by boosting sustainable consumption and production.

5th July – Asalha Puja / Dharma Day
A Buddhist celebration where people show gratitude to Buddha and other enlightened teachers for sharing their understanding.

  • Explore this illustrated overview of Buddhism and quiz from BBC Bitesize (for KS2).
  • Watch this video on life as a Buddhist by BBC Bitesize (for year 10 and 11).

11th July – World population Day

  • Use the ‘worldmapper’ website to illustrate global population differences to students in a clear, visual way. This tool shows a range of maps where countries sizes reflect specific population details, including coronavirus cases among other things.
  • Explore the impacts of the rapidly increasing human population, combined with growing rates of consumption, on health, well-being, and the environment with these 3 lesson plans from the British Council in partnership with The Royal Society (for KS2 and 3).

18th July – Nelson Mandela Day
With the current wave of global anti-racism protests highlighting the vital need for solidarity and action to end poverty and injustice, this day is a particularly important event.

  • Teach your class about the past racial discrimination through learning about Nelson Mandela, using these resources from BBC Bitesize (for KS1) or this short video and fact sheet from BBC Teach (for KS3).
  • Explore the life of Nelson Mandela and the difference between fact, fiction, and opinion through these Oxfam resources linking to English, Literacy and Global Citizenship (for year 2-6).

30th July – World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 

  • Learn about slavery, past and present, through these 7 excellent lesson plans on ‘Ending Slavery: An unfinished business’ from the Citizenship Foundation.
  • Encourage empathy through these stories from children who have been victim to trafficking, provided by the UN.

Also on the 30th July – International Friendship Day 
This day aims to bridge the gaps between factors such as race, language and culture.

  • Reflect on the importance of friendship during lockdown and explore these friendship day activities from twinkl.


Wisdom is the sum of all you learned in school and haven’t forgotten to this day.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. (Albert Einstein)

All roads lead you to your destination if you don’t know where you’re going.
If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. (Lewis Carroll)

Daily Blog, 比SSR好用的软件, DhananjayParkhe

How fiction can help us imagine the future

Articles, B School Management Guru, C-Suite Mentor, Calculated Risk Taker, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Entrepreneur, Finance, Jay Reads and Recommends

When the CEO gets divorced, who else pays the price?

Daily Blog, DhananjayParkhe, Motivation, Newsletters Reference Resources

Google Arts Project. My daily browser wonder.

Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, DhananjayParkhe, GeoPolitics, Jay Reads and Recommends, New Foods

Alarm over discovery of hundreds of Chinese fishing vessels near Galápagos Islands | Galápagos Islands | The Guardian

Fishing and tourist boats are anchored in the bay of San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.
ssr软件下载, Dhananjaya Parkhe, DhananjayParkhe, Sesoned Nuts Quotable, via PNUTs Newsletter

Seasoned Nuts Quotable

“All of us might wish at times that we lived in a more tranquil world, but we don’t. And if our times are difficult and perplexing, so are they challenging and filled with opportunity.” ― Robert Kennedy

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International Tiger Day

This day is commemorated to raise awareness for tiger conservation.


  • Listicle idea:  Here’s how you can differentiate between wildcats
  • Infographic idea: What are the different species of tigers?
  • Video idea: X Famous fictional tigers on screen
  • Podcast idea:  What to do if you want to spot a tiger on your safari

Brand campaign that worked:

This video by National Geographic lists five surprising facts about tigers you might not know.


Wisdom Quotes

Put your everything in even the smallest step and you’ll be on the path to success.

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. (Swami Sivananda)

The intelligent know to belief only half of what they hear. The wise know which half.
An intelligent man believes only half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half. (Even Esar)

Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, 比SSR好用的软件


ElflocksELF-lahksPart of speech: plural nounOrigin: 比SSR好用的软件
1A tangled mass of hair.
Examples of 比SSR好用的软件 in a sentence “She woke from her nap with a head full of elflocks.” “When my hair gets long it always looks like elflocks.”

12. World Hepatitis Day – 28th July

World Hepatitis Day Content Marketing Ideas

This day is celebrated to encourage governments to step up their response to the ever-present threat of hepatitis.


  • Listicle idea: How can you differentiate between different types of hepatitis?
  • Infographic idea:X  Foods you must avoid if you suffer from hepatitis
  • Video idea: Here’s how hepatitis affects your liver
  • Podcast idea: How can you boost your liver function?


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Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, DhananjayParkhe, Seth Godin Newsletter

Deliberately lo-fi

Deliberately lo-fi

The resolution of communication has been on a downward slide for more than a decade.

Careful hand-tuned typography shifts to endless Helvetica, poorly kerned.

Face to face goes to landline phone call goes to cell phone call, goes to yelling into a speakerphone goes to lazy Zoom etiquette.

Music goes from live to vinyl to mp3.

Much of this is driven by the need to squeeze more and more stuff into a narrow pipe combined with a cultural desire for more instead of better.


It will flip.

It always does.


Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, ssr软件下载, NGOs in HealthCare

Funny Quote of the Day

“Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function.”

via Funny Quote of the Day http://ift.tt/2YgJwKY

Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Jay Reads and Recommends, 比SSR好用的软件


“Every song is like a painting.”

via Art Quote of the Day http://ift.tt/319nzKT


Wisdom Quotes

Even if you’re on the right path, you’ll get nowhere if you stand still.

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. (Will Rogers)

Wisdom is not only defined by what you know, but also be knowing what you don’t.
To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge. (Confucius)

Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, DhananjayParkhe, Paintings


Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, DhananjayParkhe, Hindu, ssr软件下载, Newsletters Reference Resources, Politics, Religion, Spirituality, WAvMPY - Women Adult veteran Minority Poor Youth

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Part of speech: ssr软件下载
Origin: Old English, 15th century


Examples of Forenoon in a sentence

“‘Some of my pleasantest hours were during the long rain-storms in the spring or fall, which confined me to the house for the afternoon as well as the forenoon, soothed by their ceaseless roar and pelting.’ — Henry David Thoreau”

“Come over in the forenoon, and we’ll have a cup of coffee and chat.”



Part of speech: ssr软件下载
Origin: Old English, 15th century

The morning.

Examples of Forenoon in a sentence

“‘Some of my pleasantest hours were during the long rain-storms in the spring or fall, which confined me to the house for the afternoon as well as the forenoon, soothed by their ceaseless roar and pelting.’ — Henry David Thoreau”

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Communication and Leadership, 比SSR好用的软件, Dhananjaya Parkhe, TED, TEDX, TED-Ed

(663) How do our brains process speech? – Gareth Gaskell – YouTube

TED-Ed1.2 crore subscribersSUBSCRIBEDLearn how to identify, develop, and share your best ideas with TED Masterclass: http://bit.ly/tedmasterclass — The average 20-year-old knows between 27,000 and 52,000 different words. Spoken out loud, most of these words last less than a second. With every word, the brain has a quick decision to make: which of those thousands of options matches the signal? And about 98% of the time, the brain chooses the correct word. How is this possible? Gareth Gaskell digs into the complexities of speech comprehension. Lesson by Gareth Gaskell, directed by Art Shot. Sign up for our newsletter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdNewsletter Support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/TEDEdPatreon Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/TEDEdFacebook Find us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdTwitter Peep us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/TEDEdInstagram View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-do-our… Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Sydney Evans, Latora Slydell, Oyuntsengel Tseyen-Oidov, Noel Situ, Elliot Poulin, emily lam, Juan, Jordan Tang, Kent Logan, Alexandra Panzer, Laura Cameron Keith, Jen, Ellen Spertus, Cailin Ramsey, Markus Goldhacker, Leora Allen, Andras Radnothy, Chris, Arpita Singh, Vijayalakshmi, Marc Bilodeau, Peng, Tzu-Hsiang, paul g mohney, Maya Toll, Sebastian Regez, Bruno Hannud, Andreas Voltios, Shubham Arora, Ugur Doga Sezgin, Akinola Emmanuel, Kyanta Yap, Ricardo Rendon Cepeda, Ana Maria, Benjamin & Shannon Pinder, Ernest Chow, Bela Namyslik, Alan Froese, Anika Westburg, Nick Cozby, Shawar Khan, Michael Braun-Boghos, Rohan Gupta, Elizabeth Cruz, Yujing Jiang, Sarah Lundegaard, Vladimir Ivanchenko, Georg Gusewski, Rohit Lodha, Erica Zhuang and Aaron Henson.

Communication and Leadership, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Speaker, Speeches, ssr软件下载


Trace the rise and fall of the ancient Celts, a group of hundreds of independent warrior tribes defeated by the Roman Empire. — One summer evening in 335 BCE, Alexander the Great was resting by the Danube River when a band of strangers approached his camp. Alexander had never seen anything like these tall, fierce-looking warriors with huge golden neck rings and colorful cloaks. They were Keltoi or Celts— a collection of independent tribes spread across Europe. Philip Freeman details the rise and fall of the ancient Celts. Lesson by Philip Freeman, directed by Paper Panther. Animator’s website: http://www.paperpanther.ie/ Sign up for our newsletter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdNewsletter Support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/TEDEdPatreon Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/TEDEdFacebook Find us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdTwitter Peep us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/TEDEdInstagram View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-rise-a… Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Jerome Froelich, Dan Paterniti, Jose Henrique Leopoldo e Silva, Mullaiarasu Sundaramurthy, Elnathan Joshua Bangayan, Caleb ross, Duo Xu, Quinn Shen, Marvin Vizuett, Sid , Marylise CHAUFFETON, Karen Goepen-Wee, Sama aafghani, Mandeep Singh, Abhijit Kiran Valluri, Morgan Williams, Kris Siverhus, Jason Weinstein, Tony Trapuzzano, Devin Harris, Brandy Jones, Shawn Quichocho, Gi Nam Lee, Joy Love Om, Miloš Stevanović, Ghassan Alhazzaa, Yankai Liu, Pavel Zalevskiy, Claudia Mayfield, Stephanie Perozo, Joe Giamartino, Filip Dabrowski, Barbara Smalley, Megan Douglas, Tim Leistikow, Andrés Melo Gámez, Renhe Ji, Ka-Hei Law, Michal Salman, Peter Liu, Mark Morris, Catherine Sverko, Misaki Sato, Tan YH, Ph.D., Rodrigo Carballo, SookKwan Loong, Bev Millar, Merit Gamertsfelder, Lex Azevedo and Noa Shore.

Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Newsletters Reference Resources, Requested Ministry-wise PIB Releases

Requested Ministry-wise PIB releases.

Press Information Bureau
Requested Ministry-wise PIB releases.
Highest ever recoveries registered in a single day; more than 36,000 patients dischargedPIB’S DAILY BULLETIN ON COVID-19Vice President expresses anguish over stigmatizing Corona virus patients and denial of dignified last rites to COVID-19 victimsPresident of India donates to Army Hospital on Vijay DiwasPM pays homage to armed forces on Kargil Vijay DiwasPM to launch High Throughput COVID-19 testing facilities on 27 JulyThe MyGov movement must go forward: Shri Ravi Shankar PrasadEnglish rendering of PM’s address in the 14th Episode of ‘Mann Ki Baat 2.0’ on 26.07.2023Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar holds meeting with World Bank representatives to bring large Bihad area of Gwalior–Chambal region under agricultureRaksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh pays homage to fallen heroes at National War Memorial on 21st anniversary of Kargil Vijay DiwasUnion Minister Dr Jitendra Singh speaks to Assam CM and offers all possible flood assistance from DoNER MinistryOn the 21st Anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas, the Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah paid tributes to the martyrs and recalled their bravery and valour
Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar holds meeting with World Bank representatives to bring large Bihad area of Gwalior–Chambal region under agricultureVice President expresses anguish over stigmatizing Corona virus patients and denial of dignified last rites to COVID-19 victimsUnion Minister Dr Jitendra Singh speaks to Assam CM and offers all possible flood assistance from DoNER MinistryPIB’S DAILY BULLETIN ON COVID-19The MyGov movement must go forward: Shri Ravi Shankar PrasadPM pays homage to armed forces on Kargil Vijay DiwasEnglish rendering of PM’s address in the 14th Episode of ‘Mann Ki Baat 2.0’ on 26.07.2023President of India donates to Army Hospital on Vijay DiwasPM to launch High Throughput COVID-19 testing facilities on 27 JulyOn the 21st Anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas, the Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah paid tributes to the martyrs and recalled their bravery and valourHighest ever recoveries registered in a single day; more than 36,000 patients dischargedRaksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh pays homage to fallen heroes at National War Memorial on 21st anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas
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“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.”

via Today’s Quote http://ift.tt/2SG1z7j

Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Word of the Day


ssr软件下载hWET-stohnPart of speech: nounOrigin: Old English, 12th century
1A fine-grained stone used for sharpening cutting tools.
Examples of 比SSR好用的软件 in a sentence “‘A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.’ ― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones” “He bought his own whetstone so he could keep his kitchen knives razor sharp.”
Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Today's Quote, ssr软件下载


“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.”

via Today’s Quote http://ift.tt/2SG1z7j

ssr软件下载, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Today's Quote

Art Quote of the Day

“I don’t like to sell my finest pieces.”

via Art Quote of the Day http://ift.tt/2Qke22K
Articles, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, via: Atlas Obscura. Newsletter

Atrani – Atrani, Italy – Atlas Obscura

Articles, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, via: Atlas Obscura. Newsletter

Here Are the Real Boundaries of American Metropolises, Decided by an Algorithm – Atlas Obscura

Articles, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, via: Atlas Obscura. Newsletter

Sold: An 1891 Patent by Granville T. Woods, Innovative Black Engineer – Atlas Obscura

ssr软件下载, ssr软件下载, Speaker, Speeches, ssr软件下载

Ethan Hawke: Give yourself permission to be creative | TED Talk

ssr软件下载, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Sustainabilitysə-stayn-ə-BIL-ə-deePart of speech: ssr软件下载Origin: ssr软件下载
1The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.2Avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.
Examples of Sustainability in a sentence “Sustainability of the fish population in the lake is our goal.” “Reducing single-use plastics is an important element of environmental sustainability.”
Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Did you know, Today's Inspiration Quote

Today’s Inspirational Quote:

Today’s Inspirational Quote:

V2Ray / SSR 加密方式哪个好? (加密算法对比) - 无主界 ...:2021-9-24 · 具体的加密细节由于篇幅加之文章目的不再展示了。这里的AES-128就是密钥的长度为128位,加密轮数为10轮。此种方式在日常生活中应用极广,你现在看到了这篇文章,你就有可能在应用这类加密,因为无主界网站的HTTPS也是基于这种加密方式的。

— Anthony Burgess

Art Quote of the day, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe


“Entertainment and art are not isolated.”

via Art Quote of the Day http://ift.tt/3jGv3yM
Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Did you know



… that today is Welcome Puerto Rico Day? On this day in 1952, Puerto Rico became a commonwealth of the United States. The island’s inhabitants possess all the rights and obligations of United States citizens such as paying Social Security, receiving federal welfare and serving in the armed forces, except for the right to vote in presidential elections and the obligation to pay federal taxes.

Daily Blog, 比SSR好用的软件, Ethical Newsletter


Ethical Alliance Daily News

United Kingdom: Former Unaoil executive sentenced to five years for bribery in post-occupation Iraq
Jul 24, 2023 06:00 pm
Ziad Akle has been sentenced to five years’ imprisonment for paying over $500,000 in bribes to secure a $55m contract to supply offshore mooring buoys. The new buoys formed part of the post-occupation Iraqi government’s “Master Plan” to rebuild Iraq’s oil industry and thereby expand the country’s oil export capacity.
Read More 

Brazil: Brazil prosecutors charge 2018 presidential candidate Alckmin with graft
Jul 24, 2023 05:30 pm
Brazil state prosecutors on Thursday charged Geraldo Alckmin, the former governor of Sao Paulo state and two-time presidential candidate, with corruption, money laundering and electoral crimes, in a new blow to the nation’s weakened centrist parties. The fresh accusations come after the federal police accused Alckmin last week of allegedly
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China: Former property tycoon Ren Zhiqiang expelled from Party for serious disciplinary violations
Jul 24, 2023 05:00 pm
A local discipline watchdog in Beijing announced late Thursday it has dismissed the Party membership of former property mogul Ren Zhiqiang for serious violations of discipline and law. Ren Zhiqiang, former deputy Party secretary and chairman of Beijing HuaYuan Group, seriously violated the Party’s political, organizational, integrity, work and life
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Australia: Queensland Government investigates whether new trains use parts made by slave labour from Chinese Uyghur camps
Jul 24, 2023 04:30 pm
Queensland’s Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey has directed his department to review whether the state’s New Generation Rollingstock (NGR) trains contain parts sourced from slave labour factories in China. Earlier this week, the US Government announced it had blacklisted KTK and 19 other companies from future contracts, after finding
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United States: Former Pennsylvania Democratic congressman charged with bribery, ballot stuffing
Jul 24, 2023 04:00 pm
Former Pennsylvania Democratic Rep. Ozzie Myers has been charged with bribing election officials to add votes during primary elections to candidates he favored or who paid him as a campaign consultant, the Justice Department revealed Thursday. Myers, 77, served two terms in Congress from 1977 to 1990. He is accused
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Colombia: Colombia seizes properties of businessman tied to Maduro
Jul 24, 2023 03:30 pm
Authorities in Colombia have seized a luxury mansion complete with a spa, tennis court and two pools allegedly belonging to a businessman detained in Cape Verde on U.S. corruption charges related to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. Images of the home became public as U.S. officials on Thursday blacklisted two Venezuelan
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Agriculture n Horticulture, All Lives Matter, ssr软件下载, Articles, Author, ssr软件下载, Balanced ScoreCard, ssr软件下载, Better Listening, Better Speaking, ssr软件下载, Better Thinking, Business Ethics, Business Plan, C-Suite Mentor, 比SSR好用的软件, Child Hunger, Climate Change, Corporate Goernance, Corporate Social Responsibility -CSR, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Diabetes, Did you know, Diet Diet diet, Diversity & Inclusion, Don't Worry, Be Happy. God Bless You., Elderly, Endemic Pandemic Virus, Entrepreneur, Erudite Learner, 比SSR好用的软件, Excellence Assessor, Eye Care, Finance, GeoPolitics, Geriatric Care, Haiku, Heart/Cardiac, Hindu, Humanitarian, Humor, Hypertension, ssr软件下载, ssr软件下载, Independent Director, Innovation, Justice, Marketing Plan, Mastery in Servitude, Mentor, New Foods, NGO Advisor, Paintings, Poetry, Politics, Professor, Quotes of the Day, Random Acts of Kindness, Random Idioms of the day, Random Phrases of the Day, Religion, Requested Ministry-wise PIB Releases, Riddles, Save Nature, Save the World, Seth Godin Newsletter, Social Accountability, ssr软件下载, Speaker, Speeches, Spirituality, Startups Mentor, ssr软件下载, ssr软件下载, TED, TEDX, TED-Ed, Today's Inspiration Quote, 比SSR好用的软件, via Aeon Newsletter, via Brainpickings.com Newsletter, via Futurism Newsletter, via Interesting Newsletters, via PNUTs Newsletter, 比SSR好用的软件, WAvMPY - Women Adult veteran Minority Poor Youth, What is your Motto, WhatsApp Shares by friends, Wisdom Quotes, Word of the Day


Agriculture n Horticulture, All Lives Matter, Art Quote of the day, Articles, Author, BabyBoomer Gen, Balanced ScoreCard, Banking, Better Listening, Better Speaking, Better Still Better, Better Thinking, Business Ethics, Business Plan, C-Suite Mentor, 比SSR好用的软件, 比SSR好用的软件, Climate Change, Corporate Goernance, Corporate Social Responsibility -CSR, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Diabetes, Did you know, Diet Diet diet, Diversity & Inclusion, Don't Worry, Be Happy. God Bless You., Elderly, Endemic Pandemic Virus, Entrepreneur, Erudite Learner, Ethical Newsletter, Excellence Assessor, Eye Care, Finance, ssr软件下载, Geriatric Care, Haiku, Heart/Cardiac, Hindu, Humanitarian, Humor, Hypertension, IFTF - Future Technology, Incubation, Independent Director, Innovation, Justice, 比SSR好用的软件, Mastery in Servitude, Mentor, New Foods, NGO Advisor, Paintings, Poetry, Politics, Professor, Quotes of the Day, Random Acts of Kindness, Random Idioms of the day, Random Phrases of the Day, Religion, Requested Ministry-wise PIB Releases, Riddles, Save Nature, Save the World, Seth Godin Newsletter, Social Accountability, ssr软件下载, Speaker, Speeches, Spirituality, Startups Mentor, Strategy, 比SSR好用的软件, TED, TEDX, TED-Ed, Today's Inspiration Quote, Today's Quote, ssr软件下载, via Brainpickings.com Newsletter, via Futurism Newsletter, via Interesting Newsletters, via PNUTs Newsletter, via: Atlas Obscura. Newsletter, WAvMPY - Women Adult veteran Minority Poor Youth, What is your Motto, WhatsApp Shares by friends, Wisdom Quotes, Word of the Day


Dhananjaya Parkhe

Requested Ministry-wise PIB releases.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Requested Ministry-wise PIB releases.

Press Information Bureau
Government of India

Requested Ministry-wise PIB releases.
Rapid Regulatory Frame Work for COVID -19
 Haryana to host the 4th edition of Khelo India Youth Games
Department of Biotechnology supports production scale-up of test kits from Mylab
Govt. making all efforts for ease of doing business in Fertilizer Sector
Seismicity study of Arunachal Himalaya reveals low to moderate earthquakes at 2 crustal depths
PM reviews implementation of PM-SVANidhi Scheme
Video conference on “Strengthening of the Risk Based Internal Audit of Rural Development Programmes” held
TRIFED Signs MoU with IIT, Delhi for Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA)
Webinar on Popular Science Writing reaches across India & beyond its borders
 Railways to ensure its goods and services procurements through Government e-Market GeM with integration of Railway Digital Supply Chain with GeM. Railway procures goods and services more than Rs 70000 crores annually
INDIA-UK affirm shared commitment to a Free Trade Agreement and towards that,Early Harvest deals in a staged manner
India records highest ever more than 4.2 lakh COVID tests in a single day
India-European Union Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation renewed for next five years (2023-2025)
ITAT allows exemption of Rs 220 cr to Tata Education & Development Trust

ITAT allows exemption of Rs 220 cr to Tata Education & Development Trust
Rapid Regulatory Frame Work for COVID -19
Department of Biotechnology supports production scale-up of test kits from Mylab
Govt. making all efforts for ease of doing business in Fertilizer Sector
India records highest ever more than 4.2 lakh COVID tests in a single day
Video conference on “Strengthening of the Risk Based Internal Audit of Rural Development Programmes” held
Seismicity study of Arunachal Himalaya reveals low to moderate earthquakes at 2 crustal depths
TRIFED Signs MoU with IIT, Delhi for Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA)
India-European Union Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation renewed for next five years (2023-2025)
PM reviews implementation of PM-SVANidhi Scheme
 Haryana to host the 4th edition of Khelo India Youth Games
Webinar on Popular Science Writing reaches across India & beyond its borders
 Railways to ensure its goods and services procurements through Government e-Market GeM with integration of Railway Digital Supply Chain with GeM. Railway procures goods and services more than Rs 70000 crores annually
INDIA-UK affirm shared commitment to a Free Trade Agreement and towards that,Early Harvest deals in a staged manner
Daily Blog, 比SSR好用的软件, Today's Quote

Today’s Quote

“Hope is but the dream of those who wake.”

via Today’s Quote 比SSR好用的软件


11. Kargil Vijay Diwas – 26th July


This day commemorates the day Indian soldiers successfully conducted Operation Vijay.


  • Listicle idea: Here’s how you can enlist in the army
  • Infographic idea: Who were the heroes of the Kargil war?
  • Video idea: How does India manage to keep its peace with her neighbors?
  • Podcast idea: What is the role of the army in times of peace?

Brand campaign that worked:

A leading brand in real estate did a social media post with the concept – The soldiers and martyrs make our homes safe and secure by putting themselves on the line of fire.





Kargil Vijay Diwas Content Marketing Ideas

This day commemorates the day Indian soldiers successfully conducted Operation Vijay.


  • Edge调教记录1(一些好用的浏览器插件推荐)_qq_40405705 ...:2021-4-7 · Edge更换内核之后能兼容大部分Chrome的插件且不用去墙外,也可伍在Chrome商店里安装插件,包含手机端的同步功能国内网就能实现,因此现在主要使用Edge,经过一番调教后现在伍及比之前的Chrome好用了,记录所使用的插件如下。 注:对于需要 ...
  • Infographic idea: Who were the heroes of the Kargil war?
  • Video idea: How does India manage to keep its peace with her neighbors?
  • Podcast idea: What is the role of the army in times of peace?

Brand campaign that worked:

A leading brand in real estate did a social media post with the concept – The soldiers and martyrs make our homes safe and secure by putting themselves on the line of fire.


Dhananjaya Parkhe


Dhananjaya Parkhe

Happy Nag panchami

ssr软件下载ॐ भुजंगेशाय विद्महे,
सर्पराजाय धीमहि,
तन्नो नाग: प्रचोदयात्।नाग पंचमी के पावन पर्व की सभी देशवासियों को हार्दिक बधाइयां। भगवान भुजंगेश्वर सभी की मनोकामनाएं पूर्ण करें व देश में चहुंओर सुख-समृद्धि व खुशहाली का वास हो।#नाग_पंचमी


Money costs money


阴阳师比SSR还好用的SR式神 第一伤害远超SSR-太平洋电脑网:2021-11-25 · 阴阳师 中式神稀有度并不伋表一切,随着版本推移不少式神被开发的出来,其中许多都是SR甚至R卡,下面小编就来盘点一下游戏中比SSR还有用的SR式 ...

And because the person who invests money has choices, and often chooses the choice that works best for them.

Most people would be happy with a hotel that generates a profit of a thousand dollars a day. But if the hotel cost $50,000,000 to build, you’re bust.

Time costs money too.

That’s not the same as saying “time is money,” which it isn’t. Time is magnificent, hard to stockpile and impossible to recover.

But it still costs. Which means that it’s worth considering whether something worthwhile comes back for your investment and your effort.

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Strange, spiral bee combs look like fantastical crystal palaces. Now we know why. | Live Science

The Australian bees of genus Tetragonula produce strange, spiral nests. Scientists think they know why.
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Memo to the Staff of This Paint-and-Sip Establishment | The New Yorker

Agriculture n Horticulture, All Lives Matter, 比SSR好用的软件, Author, BabyBoomer Gen, Balanced ScoreCard, Banking, 比SSR好用的软件, Better Speaking, Better Still Better, Better Thinking, Business Ethics, Business Plan, 比SSR好用的软件, Calculated Risk Taker, Child Hunger, Climate Change, Corporate Goernance, Corporate Social Responsibility -CSR, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Diabetes, Did you know, Diet Diet diet, 比SSR好用的软件, Don't Worry, Be Happy. God Bless You., Elderly, Endemic Pandemic Virus, Entrepreneur, Erudite Learner, Ethical Newsletter, Excellence Assessor, Eye Care, Finance, GeoPolitics, 比SSR好用的软件, Haiku, Heart/Cardiac, Hindu, Humanitarian, Humor, Hypertension, IFTF - Future Technology, Incubation, Independent Director, 比SSR好用的软件, Justice, ssr软件下载, Mastery in Servitude, Mentor, New Foods, NGO Advisor, Paintings, Poetry, Politics, Professor, Quotes of the Day, Random Acts of Kindness, 比SSR好用的软件, Random Phrases of the Day, 比SSR好用的软件, Requested Ministry-wise PIB Releases, Riddles, 比SSR好用的软件, Save the World, Seth Godin Newsletter, Social Accountability, Social Media, Speaker, 比SSR好用的软件, Spirituality, Startups Mentor, Strategy, ssr软件下载, Today's Inspiration Quote, Today's Quote, via Aeon Newsletter, via Brainpickings.com Newsletter, via Futurism Newsletter, via Interesting Newsletters, via PNUTs Newsletter, WAvMPY - Women Adult veteran Minority Poor Youth, What is your Motto, 比SSR好用的软件, Wisdom Quotes


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DispatchTrump’s Fake Solution to the Fake Crisis in PortlandFederal agents dressed as soldiers have only energized demonstrations for Black lives.By James Ross Gardner
Daily CommentIs It Time to Defund the Department of Homeland Security?In recent years, the department’s enforcement agenda has fallen into the direct service of President Trump’s reëlection efforts.By Jonathan BlitzerDaily CommentAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez Delivers a Lesson in Decency on the House FloorThe language of the U.S. Congress is rarely vivid. In calling a colleague to account on Thursday, the first-term Democrat provided a rare exception.By David Remnick好用的英语教学工具、网站分享 - 知乎:2021-8-11 · b.每日英语听力,在好用的英语学习软件分享这篇文章中有推过每日英语听力这个软件。更新十分及时,每天界面都会有小视频推送,非常适合给学生播放。c.缤纷英语app 资源也是一样的丰富,还可 …Trump’s Mental Health Is a Test for AmericaWhy does the President want to raise the issue of his own cognitive capacity in the midst of a campaign he is already losing?By Susan B. Glasser
NewslettersSign Up for John Cassidy’s NewsletterGet the latest on politics and the economy.
Culture and More
Kitchen NotesPerfecting Roast Chicken, the French WayThe method—call it poach-and-roast—is regarded, at least in France, as the best way to insure a moist and not-ruined chicken.By Bill BufordProfilesYou Belong with MeTaylor Swift released her latest album Thursday night. From 2011: how the singer made teen angst into a business empire.By Lizzie WiddicombeThe Front Row“Word Is Out”: A Pioneering Documentary of Gay VoicesThe 1977 movie, now available to stream, is a work of mighty complexity built from the simple premise of people talking about their lives.By Richard Brody
From the Archive Issue
BooksThe Desires of Margaret FullerFrom 2013: The writer had a dazzling intelligence and was once the best-read woman in America, but a public hungry for transgressive heroines has failed to embrace her.By Judith Thurman
Humor from The New Yorker
Daily ShoutsMemo to the Staff of This Paint-and-Sip EstablishmentDo people really need to unwind with a glass of Pinot Grigio while they re-create classic works of art under expert guidance, now, in these uncertain times?By Benjamin FloresDaily CartoonFriday, July 24th
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Scientists unveil a plan to prevent the next pandemic (and save nature at the same time) | Grist

Today's Inspiration Quote

Today’s Inspirational Quote:

“You take away all the other luxuries in life, and if you can make someone smile and laugh, you have given the most special gift: happiness.”

— Brad Garrett

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Agriculture n Horticulture, Articles, Author, Balanced ScoreCard, Business Ethics, Business Plan, C-Suite Mentor, Climate Change, Corporate Goernance, Corporate Social Responsibility -CSR, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Diabetes, Did you know, Diet Diet diet, Diversity & Inclusion, Ethical Newsletter, Excellence Assessor, GeoPolitics, ssr软件下载, Heart/Cardiac, Hindu, Humanitarian, 比SSR好用的软件, Hypertension, Independent Director, Marketing Plan, Mastery in Servitude, Mentor, New Foods, 比SSR好用的软件, Paintings, Poetry, Politics, Professor, Quotes of the Day, Random Acts of Kindness, Random Idioms of the day, Random Phrases of the Day, ssr软件下载, Requested Ministry-wise PIB Releases, ssr软件下载, Seth Godin Newsletter, Social Accountability, Social Media, Speaker, ssr软件下载, Spirituality, Startups Mentor, Strategy, Sustainability, Today's Inspiration Quote, via Aeon Newsletter, via Brainpickings.com Newsletter, via Futurism Newsletter, ssr软件下载, 比SSR好用的软件, WhatsApp Shares by friends, Wisdom Quotes

What stands in the way of all those climate plans? The election — and the filibuster. | Grist

Dhananjaya Parkhe

Zac Efron is learning about climate change, but not quite enough | Grist

click to read

Articles, Author, Balanced ScoreCard, Business Ethics, Business Plan, C-Suite Mentor, Climate Change, 比SSR好用的软件, Corporate Social Responsibility -CSR, Daily Blog, 比SSR好用的软件, Diabetes, ssr软件下载, Diet Diet diet, Ethical Newsletter, Excellence Assessor, GeoPolitics, Haiku, Heart/Cardiac, Humor, Hypertension, Independent Director, Marketing Plan, Mentor, ssr软件下载, Paintings, Poetry, Professor, ssr软件下载, Random Acts of Kindness, Random Idioms of the day, Random Phrases of the Day, Requested Ministry-wise PIB Releases, Riddles, 比SSR好用的软件, Speaker, Speeches, Startups Mentor, Strategy, Sustainability, Today's Inspiration Quote, via Aeon Newsletter, via Brainpickings.com Newsletter, 比SSR好用的软件, via PNUTs Newsletter, What is your Motto, WhatsApp Shares by friends, Wisdom Quotes


Articles, Author, C-Suite Mentor, Climate Change, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Diabetes, Did you know, Diet Diet diet, Excellence Assessor, Haiku, ssr软件下载, Hypertension, 比SSR好用的软件, Mentor, NGO Advisor, Paintings, Poetry, Professor, Quotes of the Day, Random Acts of Kindness, Random Idioms of the day, Random Phrases of the Day, Riddles, ssr软件下载, Speaker, 比SSR好用的软件, Startups Mentor, Today's Inspiration Quote, What is your Motto, WhatsApp Shares by friends, 比SSR好用的软件



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Dietary guidelines have a blind spot: Future generations | Grist

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सेनापती बापट व दादर….

गिरणगाव ही एकेकाळी मुंबईची वेगळी ओळख होती, इथले लोक, चाळ संस्कृती कशी दिमाखाने आपली एक परंपरा टिकवून होती. हे गिरणगाव आता नामशेष झालंय. आता इथे उच्चभ्रू, हाय प्रोफाईल लोकांसाठी टॉवर उभे राहिलेत. स्टेटस सिम्बॉल जपणाऱ्यांची नवी संस्कृती इथे वाढू लागलीय. इतकी की परेलच्या सेनापती बापट मार्गाचा एक मैलाचा तुकडा तोडून त्याचे नामकरण आता अमेरिकन स्टईलमध्ये *’गोल्डन माईल’ असे करण्याचा एका बिल्डरचा प्रयत्न सुरू आहे. आजच्या पिढीला मुळशीचा लढा आणि त्याचा हा सेनापती ठाऊकही नसेल, म्हणूनच सेनापती बापट यांच्याबाबतचा हा लेख आज शेअर करत आहे. हा लेख वाचल्यावर कदाचित या महापुरूषाचे कार्य कळेल. त्यांची आठवण सांगणाऱ्या मार्गाचे नामकरण करणे तुम्हाला योग्य वाटते का? तुमचं तुम्हीच ठरवा आणि रक्त खवळलं नसेल तर शांत बसा….
द्वारकानाथ संझगिरी

如何将Ubuntu的软件源更换为国内的源-百度经验:2021-1-8 · 如何将Ubuntu的软件源更换为国内的源,众所周知,安装完Uutu后,我伊需要将其国外的软件源更换为国内的软件源,让速度变得更快,这里我推荐清华大学的软件源,速度最快。

सध्या एका धक्कादायक वास्तवाकडे मी वळतोय. दादरमधल्या मंडळींना आपल्याच विभागात राहिलेले महापुरुष ठाऊक नाहीत. विशेषतः नव्या पिढीला.

परवाचीच एक गोष्ट सांगतोय.

दादर स्टेशनच्या जवळ एका दुकानात काहीतरी घेत होतो. इतक्यात एक संवाद कानावर पडला. एक ‘क्ष’ व्यक्ती ‘य’ व्यक्तीला चैत्यभूमीकडे जायचा रस्ता विचारत होती. ती ‘य’ व्यक्ती त्या ‘क्ष’ व्यक्तीला सांगत होती, ‘इथून सरळ जायचं. मग गोखले रोड लागेल. पुन्हा सरळ जायचं. मग एक सर्कल लागेल. तिथे पाच रस्ते फुटतात. त्या सर्कलमध्ये एका म्हाताऱ्या माणसाचा पुतळा आहे. तो पुतळा, क्रिकेटमध्ये पंचाने फलंदाजाला बाद दिल्यावर बोट कसं वर करतो तसा वर बोट करून उभा आहे. त्या बोटाच्या दिशेने गेलं की चैत्यभूमी येते.

’मी त्या ‘य’ व्यक्तीला म्हटलं, ‘आपण दादरचे?
’‘हो’, तो म्हणाला.
‘शाळा कुठली?’ मी विचारलं.
त्याने सांगितलं.
शाळा माझी नव्हती म्हणून मी सुटकेचा निःश्वास सोडला.
मी त्याला म्हटलं, ‘त्या पुतळ्यातल्या व्यक्तीचं नाव सेनापती बापट. एका सेनापतीला तुम्ही तो म्हातारा केलात.
’‘बरोबर बोललात.’ तो माझं म्हणणं फारसं मनावर न घेता म्हणाला, ‘बापट की फाटक असा माझा गोंधळ होत होता. तुमचं जनरल नॉलेज चांगलं दिसतंय.
’मला त्याच्या निगरगट्टपणाचं कौतुक वाटायला लागलं. मी त्याला आधी या रानडे रोडचे, रानडे कोण हे ठाऊक आहेत का विचारायच्या मूडमध्ये होतो. पण मी नाही विचारलं. कारण ‘ते माझ्या आईचे मामा होते’ असं त्याने निर्लज्जपणे सांगितलं असतं तर…

सेनापती बापट दादरच्या एका तरुण मुलाला ठाऊक नसणं हे दादरच्या शैक्षणिक गर्वाचे तुकडे आहेत. तुमच्या मनात जर आदरभाव नसेल तर पाठ्यपुस्तकांतून मिळणारं ज्ञान हे अळवावरच्या पाण्यासारखं असतं. कधी निघून जातं कळत नाही. आम्ही दादरकर एवढे नशीबवान आहोत की, एक त्यागी महापुरुष आमच्यात वास्तव्य करून गेला.

किती गोष्टी सेनापतींच्या सांगू? ते दोनदा मॅट्रिक पास झाले. पहिल्यांदा विद्यार्थी म्हणून बसले तेव्हा संस्कृतची जगन्नाथ शंकरशेठ स्कॉलरशिप मिळवली. त्यांची बुद्धिमत्ता त्यांना आयसीएसकडे सहज घेऊन गेली असती; पण त्यांनी क्रांतिकार्यात उडी घेतली. मग स्वातंत्र्य चळवळीत विद्यार्थी रूप घेतलं म्हणून मॅट्रिकला बसावं लागलं तेव्हा पहिले आले. नंतर स्वा. सावरकरांच्या क्रांतिकार्यात उडी घेतली. त्यांनी सावरकरांना गुरू मानलं. ते सावरकरांच्या अभिनव भारत संघटनेचे महत्त्वाचे घटक होते. सावरकरांनी त्यांना सांगितलं, ‘रशियाला जाऊन बॉम्बची विद्या शिकून ये.’ गुरूची आज्ञा त्यांनी शिरसावंद्य मानली आणि ते रशियाला निघून गेले. बॉम्ब विद्या शिकल्यावर त्यांनी सावरकरांना सांगितलं. ‘‘मला फक्त परवानगी द्या. मी ब्रिटिश पार्लमेंट उडवून येतो.’’ सावरकरांनी त्यांना कसंबसं रोखलं.

माणूस कापरासारखा ज्वालाग्राही. कधीही पेट घेऊ शकेल असा. मधल्या काळात बरीच उलथापालथ झाली. सावरकरांना अंदमानात जावं लागलं. बापटांनी हिंदुस्थानात येऊन मुळशीच्या सत्याग्रहात उडी घेतली आणि पांडुरंग बापट कायमचे सेनापती बापट झाले. मुळशीचा सत्याग्रह हा मुळशी धरणाच्या बांधकामामुळे ज्यांच्या जमिनी जात होत्या, त्या जमीनधारकांना त्यांचा न्याय्य हक्क मिळवून देण्याचा लढा होता. ह्या लढ्याच्या वेळी त्यांनी हिंसक अस्त्र फेकून दिलं आणि सत्याग्रहाचं अहिंसक शस्त्र हाती घेतलं. क्रांतिकार्यात असताना मृत्यूच्या हातात हात घेऊन चालतोय याची त्यांना जाणीव झाल्यावर त्यांनी बायकोला पत्र लिहून कळवलं, ‘आपल्या मित्राशी लग्न करून नीट प्रपंच कर. उगाच होरपळून घेऊ नकोस.’ यांचं शरीर आपल्यासारखंच हाडामांसाचं होतं. पण मन लोखंडाचं होतं. लोखंडाचे चणे ते, आपण साधे चणे खातो, त्या सहजतेने खायचे.

मुळशीच्या सत्याग्रहानंतर त्यांनी बॉम्ब सोडला. चरखा हातात घेतला. ते गांधीवादी झाले. हे स्वार्थासाठी टोपी फिरवणं नव्हतं. हा वैचारिक बदल होता. सावरकर काय, गांधी काय, सेनापती बापट काय, स्वर्गातून पृथ्वीवर येताना बॅगेत फक्त त्याग नावाची वस्तू घेऊन आले. स्वार्थ त्यांनी वरच स्वर्गात ठेवला होता. एकदा पु. ल. देशपांडे सेनापतींना एका कार्यक्रमासाठी घेऊन जाताना सेनापती एका पुलाच्या पायऱ्या मोजत वर चढले. पुलंनी त्यांना विचारले, ‘तात्या, पायऱ्या मोजताय?’ तात्या मिस्कीलपणे म्हणाले, ‘पूर्वी मला रशियन भाषा येत होती. फ्रेंच येत होती. पुढे त्यांचा वापर नसल्यामुळे विसरलो. माझ्या खिशात मोजायला काहीही नसतं. त्यामुळे आकडे विसरू नयेत म्हणून पायऱ्या मोजतो.’

जिथे अन्याय दिसला तिथे सेनापती बापटांनी लढा दिला. त्यांनी पक्ष पाहिला नाही. ज्या नेत्याचे विचार ज्या क्षणी पटले, त्याचं नेतृत्व स्वीकारलं. सावरकरांच्या हिंदू महासभेने निजामा विरुद्ध भागानगरचा सत्याग्रह पुकारला. तात्या बापटांनी त्यात पुढाकार घेतला. अंमळनेरला गिरणीची टाळेबंदी उठण्यासाठी सानेगुरुजींनी प्राणत्याग करायचं ठरवलं, त्यावेळी अनेक नेते तिथे सानेगुरुजींचं मन वळवायला गेले. बापटांनी सानेगुरुजींना कळवलं, तुम्ही एकट्याने प्राणत्याग करू नका. मी तुमच्याबरोबर प्राण त्यागायला येतो. ती बंदी उठली आणि दोघांचे प्राण वाचले. पुन्हा ४२च्या चले जावच्या वेळी समाजवाद्यांच्या एका मेळाव्यात ते वाघासारखे गुरगुरत फिरत होते आणि म्हणत होते, ‘मला कुणीतरी बॉम्ब आणून द्या. मला निकराची लढाई लढू द्या.’

ते गांधीवादी झाले तरी सावरकरांबरोबरची मैत्री अभेद्य होती. सावरकरांकडे फार थोडी माणसं अपॉइंटमेंटशिवाय येऊ शकत. त्यांत एम.एन.रॉय आणि सेनापती बापट होते. वर मी म्हटलंच आहे की, निजामा विरुद्ध सावरकरांनी भागानगर सत्याग्रह केला. सेनापतींना तो पटला. ते गांधीवादी, तरी सावरकरांच्या बाजूने सत्याग्रहात उतरले. त्यांना शिक्षा झाली. शिक्षा घेऊन येताना त्यांना वाटेत आप्पा कासार म्हणजे सावरकरांच्या शरीररक्षकाने वाकून नमस्कार केला.
सेनापतींनी त्याला काय आशीर्वाद दिला असेल?
ते म्हणाले, ‘जा. मोठ्यातली मोठी शिक्षा घेऊन ये.’
त्यावेळचे आशीर्वाद पण काय असायचे!
पुढे गांधीजींची हत्या झाली. विचार करा, गांधींवर प्रेम करणाऱ्या सेनापतींना काय वाटलं असेल? पण नंतर काही दिवसांनी नथुराम गोडसेला केस लढवून, त्याचे विचार मांडण्यासाठी एका वर्तमानपत्रात ‘गोडसे मदतनिधी’ जमवण्यात आला. त्यात पाच रुपयांची देणगी सेनापती बापटांची आहे.
बसतो विश्वास?
‘नथुरामने केलेलं कृत्य निंदनीय आहे. पण त्याचं मत मांडायचा त्याला अधिकार आहे.’ ही त्यांची भूमिका होती.
याला म्हणतात मत स्वातंत्र्यावरचं प्रेम! आणि कट्टर लोकशाहीवादी असणं.

आजच्या काळात सेनापतींवर काय काय आरोप झाले असते विचार करा. पण त्यावेळी लोकांना साधं लाकूड कुठलं आणि चंदन कुठलं ते कळायचं. जवाहरलाल नेहरू त्यांच्या प्रेमाचा माणूस, पण संयुक्त महाराष्ट्राच्या लढ्यात ते नेहरूं विरुद्ध लढले. बेळगाव-कारवार प्रश्नात आघाडीवर राहिले. एकदा एका चळवळीत त्यांना कल्याणच्या पुढे यायला बंदी होती. ते खेडुताच्या वेशात थेट स्टेजवर आले. चळवळ दिसली की हा सेनापती त्यात उडी मारायचा.

पुढे वय होत गेलं. मग देशसेवा कशी करायची? त्यांनी झाडू हातात घेतला. स्वतःची गल्ली ते साफ करायचे आणि आपली माणसं, ते झाडू मारायला येणार म्हणून आपल्या लहान मुलांना आधीच हगवून, मुतवून ठेवत. म्हणजे मग स्वतःला साफ करायला नको.

तात्याराव सावरकर त्यांना म्हणत, ‘‘तू मला गुरू मानतोस ना, मग आता विश्रांती घे.’’

तेवढीच गोष्ट त्यांनी सावरकरांची ऐकली नाही. 88 वर्षांचे होईपर्यंत लढले.
कधी बॉम्ब, कधी चरखा, कधी लेखणी, कधी पिस्तूल, कधी झाडू घेऊन!
सतत मृत्यूला आव्हान देत.
ज्या मृत्यूला आपण इतके घाबरतो, त्या मृत्यूला ते सतत बरोबर घेऊन वावरले. तोच सेनापती बापटांना घाबरला.

पिस्तूल ते झाडू हा विलक्षण प्रवास करणाऱ्या या महामानवाला निदान दादरकरांनी तरी विसरू नये. तो कृतघ्नपणा होईल. त्यांना कुणी ‘एक म्हातारा’ म्हणणं निर्लज्जपणा. माझ्या भावना पोचतायत ना तुमच्यापर्यंत?

द्वारकानाथ संझगिरी.

Seth Godin Newsletter

Keys on the ground


If you find a key and you don’t know what lock it will fit, you haven’t found much.

It’s easy to get excited about half the system, but real change and real benefit only happen when both pieces are working together.

Did you know

Did you know…


… that today is National Hot Dog Day? Today, we celebrate one of America’s favorite summer sandwiches. It is only fitting that this dog gets its day! Enjoy National Hot Dog Day to the fullest. Have a couple of hot dogs for lunch or dinner. And, don’t forget to cook a few on a stick at the evening campfire. Happy National Hot Dog Day!

Today's Inspiration Quote

Today’s Inspirational Quote:


“There is a force in the world and an energy that you can put out, and when you put out love, it comes back to you. I think that’s my basic philosophy.”


Dhananjaya Parkhe



… that today is the birthday of Jennifer Lopez (1970)? Jennifer Lynn Lopez, also known as J.Lo, is an American actress, singer, dancer, fashion designer, producer, and businesswoman. Jennifer always dreamed of being a multi-tasking superstar – I’d say she accomplished her dream! Happy birthday, Jennifer!

Articles, Daily Blog, Dhananjaya Parkhe, Haiku, Paintings, Poetry, Quotes of the Day, Random Acts of Kindness, Random Idioms of the day, Riddles, Speeches, What is your Motto

Re-View. Re-flect. Re-Wise!

Restarting WordPress Personal Blog after deleting my oooooolllddd Blog!

Drew two Japanese style paintings after watching the Jack Ryan TV Show series on Netflix. I am getting hooked to them as Docs say – “Don’t sleep, during the day as it will add weight”. So far it is working.


By The Associated Press Associated Press 


亲测好用!视频矩阵号管理软件,短视频同时发送至全网 ...:今天 · 亲测好用!视频矩阵号管理软件,短视频同时发送至全网_ 2021-06-18 22:10:14 出处:[ 互联网] 编辑:包小可 人气: 次阅读 132 条评论 易媒助手:图文、小视频同时发送系统 正因为期待想弄到更喜人的广告分成,大多数个人、机构也会注册一点号 ...

科学上网SSR账号长期更新 | 跨界思享:2021-8-7 · 网站节点停止公开分享 有需要的可伍下载软件后、自己去网上输入关键词自己找“这样找”网上有很多个人网站他伊都会分享一些免费节点,自己动手找找就行了,我是懒人、搜搜就能搞定的事太简单了、还有对这个也没啥兴趣了、所伍就不想折腾了。

On July 24, 1974, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that President Richard Nixon had to turn over subpoenaed White House tape recordings to the Watergate special prosecutor.

On this date:

vpn与ss/ssr的区别-思源资源网:2 天前 · 二、什么是ss/ssr ss:ss作者是clowwindy,约莫两年前,他自己为了科学上网写了shadowsocks,简称ss或者叫影梭,厥后他伍为这个器械异常好用,速度快,而且不会被封锁,他就把源码共享在了github上,然后就火了,然则厥后作者被请去品茗,删了伋码,而且保证不再介入维护更新。

In 1858, Republican senatorial candidate Abraham Lincoln formally challenged Democrat Stephen A. Douglas to a series of political debates; the result was seven face-to-face encounters.

In 1862, Martin Van Buren, the eighth president of the United States, and the first to have been born a U.S. citizen, died at age 79 in Kinderhook, New York, the town where he was born in 1782.

In 1866, Tennessee became the first state to be readmitted to the Union after the Civil War.

In 1911, Yale University history professor Hiram Bingham III found the “Lost City of the Incas,” Machu Picchu, in Peru.

In 1915, the SS Eastland, a passenger ship carrying more than 2,500 people, rolled onto its side while docked at the Clark Street Bridge on the Chicago River; an estimated 844 people died in the disaster.

In 1937, the state of Alabama dropped charges against four of the nine young Black men accused of raping two white women in the “Scottsboro Case.”

In 1969, the Apollo 11 astronauts — two of whom had been the first men to set foot on the moon — splashed down safely in the Pacific.

搭建 V2Ray 上 Google 抛弃 ss/ssr 吧-何先生:2021-6-10 · 之前何先生就了解过 V2Ray ,不过当初实在是太复杂了,何先生是一个很懒惰的人,喜欢简单的东西,看着布满密密麻麻字的教程,着实让人头晕。 标题写的夸张了一点,有的朋友肯定不同意我的说法,毕竟 ss/ssr 这玩意儿现在还是主流,不过今天推荐 V2Ray 是肯定有原因的。

重装战姬ssr排行最新 重装战姬ssr哪个好用-射手座游戏:2021-12-27 · 重装战姬ssr哪个好用?在每一个手游中就算是ssr也是有好有坏的,并不是每一个ssr都比sr好,那么重装战姬射击职业、格斗职业的ssr哪个好用?他伊的技能是什么?就跟着小编一起来看看吧。

In 2002, nine coal miners became trapped in a flooded tunnel of the Quecreek (KYOO’-kreek) Mine in western Pennsylvania; the story ended happily 77 hours later with the rescue of all nine.

In 2018, the Trump administration said it would provide $12 billion in emergency relief to farmers hurt by trade disputes with China and other countries. Ivanka Trump announced the shutdown of her fashion line, which had been targeted by boycotts and prompted concerns about conflicts of interest.

亲测好用!视频矩阵号管理软件,短视频同时发送至全网 ...:今天 · 亲测好用!视频矩阵号管理软件,短视频同时发送至全网_ 2021-06-18 22:10:14 出处:[ 互联网] 编辑:包小可 人气: 次阅读 132 条评论 易媒助手:图文、小视频同时发送系统 正因为期待想弄到更喜人的广告分成,大多数个人、机构也会注册一点号 ...

Five years ago: Fulfilling the hopes of millions of Kenyans, Barack Obama returned to his father’s homeland for the first time as U.S. president, a visit long sought by a country that considered him a local son. In a stunning, public attack on his own party leader, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz accused Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of lying, saying he was no better than his Democratic predecessor, Harry Reid, and couldn’t be trusted. Two teenage fishermen, Perry Cohen and Austin Stephanos, went missing off Florida’s Atlantic coast; their capsized boat was found two days later. AT&T became the country’s biggest traditional TV provider with its $48.5 billion purchase of DirecTV.

One year ago: In a day of congressional testimony, Robert Mueller dismissed President Donald Trump’s claim of “total exoneration” in Mueller’s probe of Russia’s 2016 election interference. Boris Johnson took office as Britain’s prime minister, vowing to break the impasse that defeated his predecessor, Theresa May, and lead the country out of the European Union. Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló said he would resign, in the face of a public uproar over an online chat in which the governor and close advisers insulted women and mocked constituents. A Pennsylvania appeals court overturned rapper Meek Mill’s conviction in a drug and gun case that had kept the rapper on probation for a decade. Federal regulators announced a settlement under which Facebook was being fined $5 billion over privacy violations; the company would also face new oversight and restrictions on its business.

Art Quote of the Day

“Art cannot be modern. Art is primordially eternal.”

via Art Quote of the Day http://ift.tt/3fWuyyh
“Every cloud has its silver lining but it is sometimes a little difficult to get it to the mint.”

via Funny Quote of the Day http://ift.tt/2GtZEh2
Today’s Quote 

“You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.”

via Today’s Quote http://ift.tt/2SKPUnB

     SUBSCRIBE/INVITE FRIENDS/VIEW IN BROWSERJULY 24, 2023  PNUT GALLERY The Good NewsGood news for people who like sweets and cinnamon products: Cinnamon linked to blood sugar control in prediabetes, study finds (CNN)An Unlikely Community: Neighbors helping neighbors during the pandemic (VC Reporter) Thanks to Karin M. for sharing this story with us, it’s always great to hear about communities helping one another in times of need.vpn与ss/ssr的区别-思源资源网:2 天前 · 二、什么是ss/ssr ss:ss作者是clowwindy,约莫两年前,他自己为了科学上网写了shadowsocks,简称ss或者叫影梭,厥后他伍为这个器械异常好用,速度快,而且不会被封锁,他就把源码共享在了github上,然后就火了,然则厥后作者被请去品茗,删了伋码,而且保证不再介入维护更新。 (CNN) Sofia Migliazza, Erin Rogers, Lauryn Hong and Ella Matlock created and published the “Covid Coloring Book” to raise the spirits of children.【整理】软件(网站)推荐 - 简书:【整理】软件(网站)推荐 一:软件 1.Markdown软件 Atom MWeb (Mac平台下) Mou(Mac平台下) MacDown(Mac平台下) VNote Typora MarkdownPad2 Cmd Markdown MarkdownEditor markPad Haroopad QMarkdowner editorial sblime Text 3 byword EpicEditor 最受 ... (CNN) Shetera Sims showed that even in the most trying of times, compassion and selflessness are still alive and well.We’re back with another quiz, and this time it works: Test your knowledge on recent world news with this short quiz. Submissions must be made by 12pm EST Monday, 7/27. The winner, announced Tuesday, will win bragging rights for the week as well as a free Daily Pnut t-shirt.  SEASONED NUTS: QUOTABLE “It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” – Robert F. Kennedy

Ambition : Become a TED Speaker one day. till then…appreciate others….


KFC Is Working on 3D Printed, Lab-Grown Chicken Nuggets

With help from a Russian 3D printing startup, American fast food chain KFC wants to craft the “world’s first laboratory-produced chicken nuggets.”

Source: KFC Is Working on 3D Printed, Lab-Grown Chicken Nuggets


Uber Drivers Are Suing to Learn How the Company’s Algorithm Works

Uber drivers in the U.K. are suing the company for access to access to its logs on their performance, as well as info on how it’s used.

Source: Uber Drivers Are Suing to Learn How the Company’s Algorithm Works



Europe’s largest 3D printer to date just spat out an entire two-story tall home, an effort by Belgian sustainable construction company Kamp C.

Source: Watch a 3D Printer Spit Out an Entire Two-Story House



According to Musk, brain computer interfaces in the future will allow us to ditch the headphones and beam music straight to our brains.

Source: Elon Musk Says Neuralink Will Stream Music Straight Into Your Brain






Bruce McCall: What is retro-futurism? | TED Talk



Part of speech: noun
Origin: 比SSR好用的软件

A period of time in history or a person’s life, typically one marked by notable events or particular characteristics.


科研干货丨生物医学科研软件库(史上最全)_网易订阅:2021-4-23 · 又称棱镜,是由Graphpad公司推出的一款超级好用的医学绘图软件,集生物统计、曲线拟合和科技绘图于一体可用于Windows和Mac电脑,结合科学作图、综合曲线拟合(非线性回归),可用于理解统计和数据组织。被各种生物学家伍及社会和物理科学家广泛

Examples of Epoch in a sentence

“‘Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of distant epochs, who never knew one another.’ — Carl Sagan”

好用的眼霜|螺旋英雄谭乌玛格露妲好用吗_234游戏网:2021-6-12 · 螺旋英雄谭乌玛格露妲好用吗 时间:2021-06-12 09:44:20 来源:互联网 作者:234 游戏网 本次给大家带来的是螺旋英雄谭中乌玛格露妲的使用方法介绍,这是个aoe攻击的法师如果说要和联动角色相媲美的话那乌玛格露妲绝对是够格的,下面就给大家 ...



The way you affect those around you is perhaps the most important question in life.


To get success you have to get started.
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. (Mark Twain)


London Is Still Paying Rent to the Queen on a Property Leased in 1211 – Atlas Obscura

via London Is Still Paying Rent to the Queen on a Property Leased in 1211 – Atlas Obscura


Top 10 Rumors That Nearly Destroyed Companies – Listverse

via SSR、SS和VPN的区别-行业新闻-天下数据:2021-10-9 · SSR作者声称SS不够隐秘,易于被防火墙监测到,SSR在改善了搞混和协议,更难被防火墙监测到。 简易地说,SSR是SS的改良版。 ShadowsocksR开始时曾有过违反GPL、发放二进制时不发放源码的争议,不过后来ShadowsocksR项目由breakwa11转为了与Shadowsocks相同的GPL、Apache许可证、MIT许可证等多重自由软件许可协议。



via 11 ways to stop procrastinating—for good – Big Think

  • vpn与ss/ssr的区别-思源资源网:2 天前 · 二、什么是ss/ssr ss:ss作者是clowwindy,约莫两年前,他自己为了科学上网写了shadowsocks,简称ss或者叫影梭,厥后他伍为这个器械异常好用,速度快,而且不会被封锁,他就把源码共享在了github上,然后就火了,然则厥后作者被请去品茗,删了伋码,而且保证不再介入维护更新。
  • vpn与ss/ssr的区别-思源资源网:2 天前 · 二、什么是ss/ssr ss:ss作者是clowwindy,约莫两年前,他自己为了科学上网写了shadowsocks,简称ss或者叫影梭,厥后他伍为这个器械异常好用,速度快,而且不会被封锁,他就把源码共享在了github上,然后就火了,然则厥后作者被请去品茗,删了伋码,而且保证不再介入维护更新。
  • One interesting tip shared by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Charles Duhigg is to build procrastination into your workflow as a reward. “If you need five minutes every hour to look at tweets or to just surf the internet, you need to schedule that into your schedule.” According to Duhigg, it’s when we try to ignore that urge completely that things fall apart.

The Brazilian Desert That Turns Into a Thousand Lagoons – Atlas Obscura

via The Brazilian Desert That Turns Into a Thousand Lagoons – Atlas Obscura

A tourist observes Rio Negro Beach Maranhao.


The Badass Black Cowboys of Compton, California – Atlas Obscura

via The Badass Black Cowboys of Compton, California – Atlas Obscura


Nostalgia doesn’t need real memories – an imagined past works as well | Aeon Essays

via Nostalgia doesn’t need real memories – an imagined past works as well | Aeon Essays



via The Bad Hair, Incorrect Feathering, and Missing Skin Flaps of Dinosaur Art – Atlas比SSR好用的软件




via The self of self-help books is adrift from social and economic facts | Psyche Ideas


How a village’s first totem pole ceremony in a century sparked a spiritual awakening | Aeon Videos

via How a village’s first totem pole ceremony in a century sparked a spiritual awakening | Aeon Videos


Today’s Inspirational Quote:

Today’s Inspirational Quote:

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”

— John Lubbock


Did you know…

Did you know…

… that today is Moon Day? This day celebrates the anniversary of the first landing on the Moon on July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, Jr. were the first people to walk on the moon. The Apollo 11 mission was launched on July 16 and returned to earth on July 24.


Doom scrolling – Seth Godin’s Newsletter


Being informed is a virtue. It helps us make better decisions and encourages us to take action.

Getting hooked on an endless scroll of media inputs is not the same as being informed. There’s long been a business model of urgent news (“man bites dog!”), but now it’s been leveraged, amplified and optimized to suck people in for hours at a time. And division is much easier to sell than progress.

If it’s not helping you take action to make things better, what’s it for?


Advertising concept & practice

The marketing thought and follow bore is geared toward college students without the above-mentioned capabilities of advertising and marketing. As such, it is designed to e-book contributors in the course of the simple ideas of advertising, and the way they reapplied in follow. In specific, it goals to supply college students with a theoretical and functional potential of simple advertising and marketing theories, ideas and analytical equipment. It additionally explores the critical tasks of advertising administration, and introduces students to key advertising equipment, such as the features of the marketing mix.

The bore makes use of case reviews to explore basic, analytic advertising tools and their software to the advertising and marketing decision-authoritative manner. apperception, exact acumen and presentation expertise can be enhanced as diverse viewpoints are proposed and dedicated, in discussions and presentations to other students in type.


Microsoft Analyzed Data on Its Newly Remote Workforce

via Microsoft Analyzed Data on Its Newly Remote Workforce


What is a virtual office? – Magazine UK

via What is a virtual office? – Magazine UK


Business travel changed– but not forever – Magazine UK

via Business travel changed– but not forever – Magazine UK


(612) Positive Discrimination | Yes, Minister | BBC – YouTube

via 比ss/ssr更好用的vpn软件:2021-5-28 · 一款比ssr还好用的vpn加速软件 网站简介: 一、什么是vpn vpn在很多人心目中就是用来翻墙的工具,其实不是。



via 在家办公软件哪个好_在家办公必备软件下载推荐_在家办公 ...:2021-4-1 · 2021年新冠肺炎疫情导致绝大部分人都必须待在家办公,但是在家办公不比在公司上班那么方便,这时候在家办公软件就派上用场了。在家办公必备 ...


Larry Kramer, Public Nuisance | The New Yorker

via 比ss/ssr更好用的vpn软件:2021-5-28 · 一款比ssr还好用的vpn加速软件 网站简介: 一、什么是vpn vpn在很多人心目中就是用来翻墙的工具,其实不是。



via The Stranded Babies of the Coronavirus Disaster | The New Yorker


阴阳师SSR召唤符咒怎么获得_好用啦软件站:2021-6-2 · 说到阴阳师的ssr式神,相信各位玩家对它伊是又爱又恨。一直抽不中它的玩家,还获得了个非酋称号。那么阴阳师怎么抽ssr呢?近日,阴阳师官方在5月20日的更新中,推出了SSR召唤符咒。接下来,超人软件小编就为大家介绍一下阴阳师SSR召唤符咒 ...

via 根据自己的翻||墙经历顺带给大家推荐几款我用过还不错的梯子 ...:2021-3-2 · 于是慢慢的开始接触一些开源fanqiang软件,比如Shadows0cks。自己搭建fanqiang软件,首先需要购买国外主机,当时什么搬瓦工、Vultr都用过,我当时买的时候,搬瓦工还没有涨价,一年才一百多块。不过这两年国外主机价格飞涨,而且很多都不好用,网络


The Adjacent User Theory at andrewchen

via 山海镜花SSR金乌三曜厉害吗_山海镜花SSR金乌三曜技能 ...:2021-6-12 · 山海镜花SSR金乌三曜厉害吗? 山海镜花游戏中金乌三曜是最新推出的SSR镜灵,他不仅外观帅气,实力也很强,不是清楚的玩家伊就跟着我一起来看下山海镜花SSR金乌三曜技能属性强度测评吧,希望你伊玩游戏玩的开心!



Media – A Haiku


The twitteratti
A local, media crawls
at the old social

Wisdom Quotes

It takes courage to speak up when needed, but it also takes courage to listen.

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. (Winston Churchill)

Desire is the seed from which all achievements are harvested.
The starting point of all achievement is desire. (Napoleon Hill)



via Top 10 Mysterious Unidentified People – Listverse



via Macquarie Island – Australia – Atlas Obscura


With 475 devilishly-funny punchlines sent in, look who won Walt Handelsman’s latest Cartoon Caption Contest!! | Opinion | theadvocate.com

via 好用的眼霜|螺旋英雄谭乌玛格露妲好用吗_234游戏网:2021-6-12 · 螺旋英雄谭乌玛格露妲好用吗 时间:2021-06-12 09:44:20 来源:互联网 作者:234 游戏网 本次给大家带来的是螺旋英雄谭中乌玛格露妲的使用方法介绍,这是个aoe攻击的法师如果说要和联动角色相媲美的话那乌玛格露妲绝对是够格的,下面就给大家 ...

With 475 devilishly-funny punchlines sent in, look who won Walt Handelsman's latest Cartoon Caption Contest!!


With 475 devilishly-funny punchlines sent in, look who won Walt Handelsman’s latest Cartoon Caption Contest!! | Opinion | theadvocate.com

via Vpn与ss/ssr的区别 |添翼博客:2021-4-13 · 2021-04-13日更新: 因环境变化,本文已不符合时伋需求,请阅读新的文章 Vpn/ss/ssr与V2Ray的介绍与区别 原文如下: 从三个部分做一个介绍: 一、什么是vpn 二、什么是ss/ssr 1、直连模式、PAC模式、全局模式 2、客户端的选用

With 475 devilishly-funny punchlines sent in, look who won Walt Handelsman's latest Cartoon Caption Contest!!



via Today in history: July 19 | Archives | napavalleyregister.com


Funny Quote of the Day 

“Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.”

via Funny Quote of the Day 比SSR好用的软件



“I am not strong on perfection.”

via Art Quote of the Day http://ift.tt/2E16v3l



“We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.”

via Today’s Quote http://ift.tt/2LvquZe


Lexicon for a Pandemic | The New Yorker

via Lexicon for a Pandemic | The New Yorker

man in mask



via Twitter Outlines Specific Detail of Recent Hack: 130 Accounts Impacted, Personal Information Compromised | Social Media Today



via Twitter Outlines Specific Detail of Recent Hack: 130 Accounts Impacted, Personal Information Compromised | Social Media Today


Did you know…


… that today is Bloomers Day? In 1848, at the first Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca, New York, Amelia Jenks Bloomer introduced the first liberating dress for women: loose fitting trousers. Mrs. Bloomer didn’t actually wear them until three years later! 😉



“We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.”

via Today’s Quote http://ift.tt/2LvquZe



via Elizabeth Lesser: Say your truths and seek them in others | TED Talk


Lexicon for a Pandemic | The New Yorker

via Lexicon for a Pandemic | The New Yorker

man in mask



via Is click-and-collect the future of shopping? – BBC Worklife



via Could your diet be affecting your mental wellbeing? – BBC FoodA knife and fork look like a clock with mushrooms and tomatoes being the digits on the clock


This pitch-black fish has a disappearing act scientists just solved – CNN

via This pitch-black fish has a disappearing act scientists just solved – CNN


A Robotic Mini Armada Will Probe the Secrets of Hurricanes – Scientific American

via A Robotic Mini Armada Will Probe the Secrets of Hurricanes – Scientific American



via How Human Brains Are Different: It Has a Lot to Do with the Connections – Scientific American

How Human Brains Are Different: It Has a Lot to Do with the Connections


如何将Ubuntu的软件源更换为国内的源-百度经验:2021-1-8 · 如何将Ubuntu的软件源更换为国内的源,众所周知,安装完Uutu后,我伊需要将其国外的软件源更换为国内的软件源,让速度变得更快,这里我推荐清华大学的软件源,速度最快。

via Trump’s campaign team tries to steady operation after messy shakeup – POLITICO


Extending Cruise Ban, C.D.C. Slams Industry for Spreading Coronavirus – The New York Times

via Extending Cruise Ban, C.D.C. Slams Industry for Spreading Coronavirus – The New York Times

The Disney Wonder docked in San Diego in March. An outbreak on the ship lasted for weeks. 


No One Knows What Thailand Is Doing Right, but So Far, It’s Working – The New York Times

via No One Knows What Thailand Is Doing Right, but So Far, It’s Working – The New York Times


Edge调教记录1(一些好用的浏览器插件推荐)_qq_40405705 ...:2021-4-7 · Edge更换内核之后能兼容大部分Chrome的插件且不用去墙外,也可伍在Chrome商店里安装插件,包含手机端的同步功能国内网就能实现,因此现在主要使用Edge,经过一番调教后现在伍及比之前的Chrome好用了,记录所使用的插件如下。 注:对于需要 ...

via 阴阳师比SSR还好用的SR式神 第一伤害远超SSR-太平洋电脑网:2021-11-25 · 阴阳师 中式神稀有度并不伋表一切,随着版本推移不少式神被开发的出来,其中许多都是SR甚至R卡,下面小编就来盘点一下游戏中比SSR还有用的SR式 ...


Vpn与ss/ssr的区别 |添翼博客:2021-4-13 · 2021-04-13日更新: 因环境变化,本文已不符合时伋需求,请阅读新的文章 Vpn/ss/ssr与V2Ray的介绍与区别 原文如下: 从三个部分做一个介绍: 一、什么是vpn 二、什么是ss/ssr 1、直连模式、PAC模式、全局模式 2、客户端的选用

via Ethical labels not fit for purpose, report warns consumers | Global development | The ssr软件下载


U.S. targets Chinese Communist Party members in possible travel ban: source – Reuters

via U.S. targets Chinese Communist Party members in possible travel ban: source – Reuters



Alexis de Tocqueville

“There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but there is no party of principle.”

via Today’s Quote http://ift.tt/301ewN7 July 13, 2023 at 10:57AM
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James Baldwin

“People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.”

via Today’s Quote ssr软件下载 比SSR好用的软件
via RSS Feed http://www.brainyquote.com/authors/james-baldwin-quotes

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“He who is brave is free.”

via Today’s Quote http://ift.tt/2H5Td45 July 15, 2023 at 10:57AM
via RSS Feed http://www.brainyquote.com/authors/lucius-annaeus-seneca-quotes


“Patience is the companion of wisdom.”

via Today’s Quote ssr软件下载 July 17, 2023 at 10:57AM
via RSS Feed 山海镜花烛阴好用吗 山海镜花烛阴使用指南 - 安智谈攻略网:2021-5-15 · 山海镜花烛阴好用吗?烛阴在山海镜花里是个SSR品质的镜灵,不过大多数玩家还是不怎么带他,下面小编就为大家带来烛阴的使用解析,希望能帮助到大家。一起来看看吧。

Orson Scott Card

“Metaphors have a way of holding the most truth in the least space.”

via Today’s Quote http://ift.tt/2MQzqJ8 July 18, 2023 at 10:57AM
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Today’s Inspirational Quote:

“We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it.”

— John Newton


Commercial vulnerability – Seth Godin


If you have a retail chain that offers:

A variety of products

at high margins

that are easy to ship

without being needed immediately


where the in-person shopping experience isn’t particularly remarkable…

Then you’re in big trouble. Even before the pandemic. Because an online retailer is going to offer a better-priced, more convenient, higher-variety alternative and once your best customers try it, they won’t come back very often.

That seems pretty obvious, and we’re seeing the retail landscape littered with companies that should have seen this coming but didn’t do anything about it, because they were too busy protecting what they thought they were good at.

The question for most of us is: What if the work you do is:




not based on innovative or flexible customer interaction…

If it is, it’s pretty likely that you’ll be replaced by a combination of robots, AI and outsourcing.

If they can find someone or something cheaper than you, they’re going to work overtime to do so.

The alternative is to be local, creative, energetic, optimistic, trusted, innovative and hard to replace.


10. World Chess Day – 20th July


This day is celebrated to mark the date of establishment of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) in Paris in 1924.

Content marketing ideas:    

  • Listicle idea: Books on chess that you can read
  • Infographic idea: X Different styles of chess you should know
  • Video idea: The best finishing moves in chess
  • Podcast idea: How can playing chess help children to improve their attention span?

Brand campaign that worked:

This video by TED-Ed explains the history of the game of chess from its origin as a board game to the software-based versions we see today.


Top 10 Unused ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Trilogy Ideas – Listverse

via Top 10 Unused ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Trilogy Ideas – Listverse


Top 10 Unused ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Trilogy Ideas – Listverse

via Top 10 Unused ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Trilogy Ideas – Listverse


(598) The race to decode a mysterious language – Susan Lupack – YouTube

via (598) The race to decode a mysterious language – Susan Lupack – YouTube



via The Egyptian myth of the death of Osiris – Alex Gendler – YouTube


(598) What makes volcanoes erupt? – Steven Anderson – YouTube

via (598) What makes volcanoes erupt? – Steven Anderson – YouTube



“I have had more trouble with myself than with any other man.”

via Funny Quote of the Day ssr软件下载



“The business of art is to reveal the relation between man and his environment.”

via Art Quote of the Day ssr软件下载



via SpaceX Is Launching a Fleet of Pirate-Hunting Satellites


Geologists Say a New Ocean Is Opening up in Africa

via Geologists Say a New Ocean Is Opening up in Africa



via Scientists: Blood Iron Levels Strongly Correlated With Long Lifespan



via State-Backed Russian Hackers Are Targeting Coronavirus Vaccine Research



via Scientists Discover “Vantablack” Deep-Sea Creatures


These Expertly Designed Sneakers Are Actually Steel Toe Boots In Disguise

via These Expertly Designed Sneakers Are Actually Steel Toe Boots In Disguise


Seth Godin’s NEwsletter

Inventing narratives

阴阳师SSR召唤符咒怎么获得_好用啦软件站:2021-6-2 · 说到阴阳师的ssr式神,相信各位玩家对它伊是又爱又恨。一直抽不中它的玩家,还获得了个非酋称号。那么阴阳师怎么抽ssr呢?近日,阴阳师官方在5月20日的更新中,推出了SSR召唤符咒。接下来,超人软件小编就为大家介绍一下阴阳师SSR召唤符咒 ...

It has to be.

It might be based on some things that actually happened. The story we tell ourselves might be a useful predictor now and then. The story might even have been put there against our wishes, over time.

But it can’t possibly be a complete and detailed understanding of everything. That’s why it’s a narrative. It’s a shorthand, a map–not the territory. It’s filled with shortcuts and mindreading, a personal myth about you and your role in the world.

If we find our story isn’t helping us, if it’s inaccurate or distracting or enervating, we can work to change it.



via Top 10 Couples Who Met Their Fates Together – Listverse


Top 10 Underappreciated Directorial Debuts You Need To See – Listverse

via 比ss/ssr更好用的vpn软件:2021-5-28 · 一款比ssr还好用的vpn加速软件 网站简介: 一、什么是vpn vpn在很多人心目中就是用来翻墙的工具,其实不是。


10 Movies That Are Surprisingly Based On Books – Listverse

via 10 Movies That Are Surprisingly Based On Books – Listverse



via Top 10 Most Underrated Synthwave Songs Of All Time – Listverse


10 Amazing Ancient Buildings Still In Use Today – Listverse

via 10 Amazing Ancient Buildings Still In Use Today – Listverse


8 Reasons The British Crown Still Controls The United States – Listverse

via 8 Reasons The British Crown Still Controls The United States – Listverse


Top 10 Classic Cocktails And Their Histories – Listverse

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